jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Bate Bate Guate Guate

Let me just start off by saying that my kids are the CUTEST THINGS I WILL EVER COME ACROSS EVER!!! They are great and absolutely adore the game, Pato Pato Ganso. Every day we come they ask us, "¿Vamos a jugar pato pato ganso?" The kids we get to play with during recess (which comes before we teach) are also AMAZINGLY CUTE. It´s a whole bowl full of cuteness. I´m not sure if there´s something in the water or que, but I know that by the end of this trip, one of them will end up in my suitcase... maybe.
This kid named Willber took a picture from his notebook today and gave it to me and told me that it was to remember him always. I was extremely touched. It honestly is quite the experience teaching these kids.

As for the food... the food here changes from time to time. Sometimes I devour it and other times my plate is full of mushed up items that LOOK eaten. I never thought I would NOT like something, but hey, this is part of the experience.
Well... over and out.

From Guate-AWESOME,

2 comentarios:

Betsy Bowman dijo...

PS. stealing children in your suitcase is frowned upon at US customs. But I love that you're playing "pato pato ganso!" Please take lots of pictures and post some soon!!!

Wilmene dijo...

I got you Ms. Bowman! I will upload a video for you soon... as for stealing children... not illegal, just highly frowned upon.