viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

The Letter "H"!

Something very memorable at San Pedro in my class was the very first day. Marcos, Androlissa, and I were very anxious to teach our first class. Walking in and hearing the children rush to their seats to learn gave me chills. Oh crap, how are we going to do this? I thought to myself. Then thinking in our huge manilla folder sat a lesson plan. Ok, first Hello, how are you? Then the ABC´s. This was going to be easy. When I told the class what we were going to do they all looked at me with blank stares. Ok, did I say it right in Spanish? Uh yea I did. I re-thought what I was saying and re-said it. Ok good. I wrote the letters on the board and told them to recite them in Spanish first then English. Most of the students knew all the letters in English. Wow, they´re smart! We had them recite the letters again and the ones the stumbled on we asked them to repeat after us. E...EEEEEE, F....EFFFFF, G...GEEEEEE, H.....ACHHHHH! Marcos, Androlissa, and I laughed. We repeated the letter again. H...ACHHHH ! There sat this one student repeating the letter "H" right from the gut. Ms. LeMoine stood near the doorway laughing. This was going to be easy. This experience had me less worrysome about the rest of the trip. What a great way to start a class.

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