jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

Corpus Cristi Celebration in Patzun

Today the group went on a trip to Patzun to see the Corpus Cristi Celebration. I sat next to my teacher on the bus ride there to practice my Spanish. We sang and talked about what we wanted to do at the celebration. When we finally got there my teacher and I paired up with Androlissa and her teacher. We walked around and saw ¨alfombras¨. Alfombras are rugs made of saw dust which are painted in many different colors. The rugs had beautiful pictures such as flowers, butterflies, crosses, and the holy communion. The people who created them were very creative by using not only colorful saw dust to create an image but also flower pedals, fruits, and grass.
It was exciting to see the different pictures created by the nature around the city. There were not alot of tourists around. There were many indegenous people in their cultural attire. They all worked togther to create an amazing celebration and beautiful images. I was fortunate enough to be able to buy two beautiful pictures of the last supper and jesus for cheap. I had a great time and am happy to have had this experience.

1 comentario:

Betsy Bowman dijo...

that was one of my favorite experiences in Guatemala too! What a unique thing to see ...

Tell everyone hello! It's weirdly quiet around here without the seniors and without all of you!

Ms B