martes, 2 de junio de 2009


Today at the school in San Pedro de las Huertas, my partner Marcos and I taught two classes. This is something we weren´t necessarily prepared for since it was a separate grade level than second grade, our normal grade for teaching. We were taking on Kindergarten, not much of a challenge since it was just them repeating after us, but it was a harder than second grade since they don´t know how to read and write. We pointed to different body parts and asked them what it was in Spanish, then said it in English for them to repeat. After we played a little game of ¨Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes¨ to get them up on their feet and active. Seeing them repeat each word with enthusiasm and charisma made me smile.

They value their education so much and they really love to learn, something that not many kids in the US have. Each day is a challenge, but with these kids they smile regardless of the down points in life; also something that many people in the US don´t do. If people in the US had the life and positivity that these children had, then this world would be a better place. Everyone´s heart would be warm and everyone would smile! Hearing "heds, sholdurs, nees, and tos" brightened my day and allowed to think differently on life. Just live it to the fullest and value every aspect because some don´t have as much as we do, yet they go on with more than a smile; they go on with a positive attitude.

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