viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

My First Day Teaching =)

When I first got to the Sevilla Language School I was so excited! I watched all the ninos y ninas (boys and girls) walking around saying Hola Hola Hola. They were so friendly. All of us in junior journey waited in the courtyard watching these group of kids play soccer. They all seemed so happy, and some of then were clearly better soccer players than me. Which made perfect sense since I dont even play soccer.Anyways the kids kept smiling at me which made me really excited to teach! Then after the kids lined up at the end of gym class the same kids recited a poem for junior journey. It was so cute and the entire time we are all just like ÄWWW. The show they put on was great I loved it.
Soon after it was time for recess, those kids do not get tired! They loved soccer and duck duck goose. They also love head shoulders knees and toes.I thought recess was going to be my favorite time of they day. But then  teaching came along! I go into my class and I realize the soccer playing kids, the kids reciting the poem were my 2nd grade class! They are all awesome kids. There is this nino named Armando, he can be a trouble maker but when he does his work it is amazing. There is this angel named Emily she is so quiet and smart she always makes me smile. Also Kevin, Javier, Alex and Benjamin are so polite and always say jokes. And Michael loves showing off his english skills. Diana loves helping me find stuff around the room. Jualita is loud and knows all the answers. Basically my entire class is awesome and I already love them. At the end of class I got 2 handmade braceletts and over 15 cards that say te quiero mucho ( I love you alot). I just love my kids so much, teaching is definately the highlight of my day. And thanks to junior journey I will definately consider education as a profession. Ojala que (Hopefully) it will be a little easier in english.

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