martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Wowzers - Patzun!!

Day 13 and I'm now missing home!!! I have been away from home before and for the same amount of time but I'm actually starting to miss home. My family is a traditional Haitian family; food, customs, religion, etc. and coming to Guatemala was a culture shock for me. My family and I go to church on Sundays, Christmas, and other religious days but I never seen a whole culture celebrate Corpus Christy with this much enthusiasm-- they will continue to celebrate Corpus Christy for the next 3 months! There is a picture attached that shows the towns people of Patzun, Guatemala celebrating together. I really think that was a nice and moving moment because this was the first time I noticed how religious a whole community could be together, like a family.
Another culture shock would be the food. Don't get me wrong, I'm lovin' the food but I wasn't use to eating something different EVERYDAY! I love this! I think when I get home I'm going to attempt to make different foods like my host mom (without burning the house down).
Sadly, I don't feel a change but this is only the 2nd week! I might not notice the change right away but I hope someone does.
* The Alfombras (the rugs on the floor) is made out of colorful sawdust and placed in decorative shapes and patterns by the towns people. When the procession began, the towns people kneed down and begin a prayer together. 

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