martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Adventure Time

                  These past few days were really great! We did so many fun things like going to the coffee and music museum, swimming in the lake, and competed against the sevilla staff in soccer at a really big soccer stadium. Its just been really good to get to know the people in our group and the sevilla staff. I realized how much I'm actually gunna miss this place! 'Ol Guatelala. I know I will never forget this place. There are so many different adventures in Guatemala and I'm happy that I got to experience them. I've become an adveturous person, which I probably thought I was before and now realize I wasn't. I eat everything even if its not what I'm used to. I involve myself in learning about different cultures and I try my hardest in any adventure that is placed in front of me. These are things that I wouldn't have been able to say before I came here.

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