domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

Hey guys,

This is Owen. I don't really know what to write about because all of my experiences kind of just mix together. The most recent thing that I remember is playing pick-up soccer yesterday. We had just worked on building a house and were taking a hour long break in town when we met Juan. Juan was watching us eat so we started talking to him and eventually bought a cheap plastic ball to kick around. After a while, David (cantu) suggested we go to a nearby basketball court with soccer goals and play there. We met some other older kids that were playing with a real ball and played in alternating teams of four while Israel and Josh made fun of our mistakes. The kids were more fun to play with and against than those in the US. After winning and losing a bunch of games, we had to go back and met some of Juan's family. The experience was a mix of things I was used to and other things local to Guatemala, making it something totally new and exciting. I cant wait to play again with PHA kids and the Sevilla teachers.


p.s. hi mom

1 comentario:

Monica Calvo dijo...

Hi Kids we are happy that you are doing great.!!!!!!
Cariños a Emiliano
Mom and Dad