sábado, 11 de junio de 2016

How Guatemala changed me -Maya Elysse

I'm finally here in Guatemala! It's so beautiful out here! So many different types of flowers, animals,people, and foods. It's been a week and a half I've been here and I extremely miss my family. I didn't think that I would miss my family so much! I call them every night to see what they are doing and how they are doing. I've been to a foreign country before but nothing like where I've been. The language is different and the food too! Coming to this country opened my mind and eyes. This country made me see that you shouldn't  be afraid to try new things. Another thing that this place opened my eyes too is being able to create great bonds with my classmates. Not only with classmates but with teachers also. The bonds that you make with the teachers, you've never expected. This trip changed me as a person.
It made me become a person that is caring and opened minded.

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