sábado, 11 de junio de 2016

First day in Antigua by Lisandro Brito

My first day in Guatemala was easily the most stressful and draining day I have had in a while. I never travel on my own so that made it even worse. I was so overwhelmed with my luggage and walking up stairs and settling in that at that moment I just wanted to sleep, but I pulled through it for the rest of the day. I met my very nice host family, changed and we went to San Pedro rural school. Our entire group was welcomed by the wonderful kids. I remember the glorious eyes of the little kids looking at all our different faces. I still feel the small hands touching the back of my head while we all sat in a circle. As we all went up to the stage, introductions began.  I introduced myself and ended up leaving after with the rest of the Junior Journey students. As we arrived at our house again. Josh, Wens, Fabrice and I all took turns showering and then changed. Our host mom called us for dinner and we ate. I remember all of us saying "Gracias por la comida" and her replying "Buen provecho". At the end of our first day we were so tired that we went to sleep and our trip in Antigua was just beginning.

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