sábado, 11 de junio de 2016

Experiencing a new lifestyle - Wens Dorvil

When I first arrived in Guatemala, the first thing that came to my mind was being able to speak Spanish with those living here for them to understand me. When I was on the school bus going to Antigua from the Guatemala City airport, I saw several differences from the United States. I saw school buses fully decorated from outside the bus to even inside the bus with a flat screen TV in it playing music videos. I saw buildings with paintings all over that represent the people of Antigua. I noticed that cobble stones are used for the streets. One huge change that shocked me was that you cannot flush your toilet paper after using the bathroom. After hearing that, I realized that not every country functions the same as the U.S. and this was a perfect trip to expierence a new lifestyle for three weeks. Every breakfast, lunch, and dinner there was a plethora of food I had never tasted or seen before. Going on this trip gave me the opportunity to eat homemade guatemalian food. Going to the San Pedro school to teach kids English was also new to me because I have never been the teacher of thirty students in two classes. Having to adress the class in a different language from the language I usually speak in pushed me out of my comfort zone and I am glad it did because I no longer have that fear in me.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Wens, it's so cool that you are really being pushed to try new things in all aspects-- from the food and your daily habits, to teaching in a foreign language. I'm glad to hear it!
Ms. Shao