martes, 16 de junio de 2015


It's been two weeks now and I've been loving it here in Antigua, Guatemala. The time is going by so fast! I can't believe it's almost time to go back home. I have really been enjoying my time here and don't really think I'm ready to go back home. I've been learning so much and experiencing so many different things. This is totally different from what I expected it to be. The way the teachers made it sound, I expected us to be living in the straight slums of Guatemala but it truly is beautiful here. It's so funny the reaction from the Guatemaltecos when they see American girls walk down the street. I love speaking to all the locals and asking them questions about life in Guatemala. Just because we're so far from home doesn't mean it's so different. Everyday I'm constantly reminded of the similarities between here and home. I've been learning so much & truly lament the day we leave here to go back home.

Venus Montgomery

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