jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

some minor problems with the family

I´m a roomate with Alex, and we´ve recently had a few minor problems with our family, though I think they have been cleared up now. You see, it´s roughly the half-way point at the moment, and for the first half of the trip we would always have the same thing for dinner. It would always be beans and plantains, beans and plantains, and MORE frijoles y platanos! Anyway, it was getting a little boring... this didn´t mean that we didn´t like the food, it just meant that we were getting a little bored.

From the start, we have felt a little uncomfortable around our family. Not to the extent that we don´t want to live there or anything, it´s just that every day it seems that there is a different member of the family, wandering around, or eating. Many times at night, before we go to sleep, there will be a bunch of people from the family, huddled in the parents room, talking really loudly together, or watching some intense preacher into the wee hours of the night.

So, now we had this food problem. Since we didn´t feel comfortable talking to the mother ourselves, we asked Carlos to talk to her. He did, and we began dreding what would happen next.

We walked into the house for lunch, knowing that Carlos had probably talked to her. Usually, she is all smiles, she prays with us, eats with us, and talks with us. But today she just put our plates on the table, told us we could eat and walked out!

This happened again for dinner, and we were a little worried. We knew we hadn´t done anything wrong, so we were not sure what her problem was. But the next day, thankfully, she talked to us during breakfast and told us that if we ever had any problems or questions we shouldn´t be afraid to talk to her.

So for now, I think the whole house thing is okay, but who knows what the future has in store for us...

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