sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008

10 lessons learned in our first week:

1. Watching Cory get told off by little girls es bien divertido.

2. Teaching es DIFICIL!

3. Tetnus shots are significantly weaker in Guatemala que en los Estados Unidos.

4. Sr. Carolan is significantly less guapo con un bigote.

5. No es buena idea to go to a blind tailor (un sastre ciego).

6. The Celtics-Lakers rivalry is recognized por todo el mundo.

7. Frijoles taste good with anything.

8. Standing in the center of a futbol field and screaming can be a clever strategy to scare off your opponent.

9. Fake Brittish accents are funny for only so long.

10. Besitos from little children make us all MUY FELIZ.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

ha ha ha... very funny... i was actually letting her to that...