lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008


Spending time with the little kids in San Pedro has been such a great experiance on this trip. Sabiendo que, lo que nosotros hasemos va a tener un impacto tan grande y bueno en las vidas de estos niños me tray mucha felizidad. But then theres this one kid in my class named Wilber aka GORDITO! This is special... El es tan travieso, y siempre buscando una manera de cojer atencion. con el se nesesita mucha pasiencia. At the begining i just didnt understand! Why this kid was so active. It would take me atleast 3 pages to explain all the things he does in class from keeping coins in his mouth to doing heads knees and shoulders while standing on a chair. Then there was this one time when i asked his to sit down and he didnt listen so i told him he wasnt my favorite anymore. He started crying his eyes out, he was on the floor crying and yelling. I walked over to him and spoke to him at first he said he didnt want to talk to me because i was the only one who liked him and now he wasnt my favorite anymore. It was so hard for me not to get emotional while i spoke with him because i realized that Gordito life is really hard and he needs all the attention he can get at school since at home he doenct get much. I LOVE MY GORDITO!! I know that if any of you where to meet him you would too...

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