lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

La Volcan Pacaya y la Playa

During the weekend, I had so much fun. On Saturday June 2, 2012, we had to climb Volcano Pacaya which was a challenging experience emotionally physically and mentally. I would say that you need to have food with you when you are walking and a plethora of water because you need to stay hydrated. I would say that if you are going to walk Pacaya you need to have a snicker bar or something like that so you can have energy. Energy is the key trust me. But it was very fun because I was with my friends and they gave me motivation. I would say that a sense of humor is needed on the trip as well. Other than that, climbing volcano pacaya is very challenging but something that a person should look forward. However, climbing the volcano was worth it because on June 3, which is my birthday was the best. We went to the beach but I forgot what the name of the beach was and there was a pool across the street from it. We were basically at this hotel but the waves at the beach were very dangerous because they could suck you into the water. So you need to really be an experienced swimmer. Later that night we went to a pizza place and some people ate pizza and some type of pasta and it was very delicious. I know that I enjoyed my birthday in Guatemala like I was so grateful to celebrate my birthday with everyone. Hope to blog soon.
-Nehemie Jones :)

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