viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

Packing.... Eek!

So it's Friday, 9:28.
I still haven't finished packing, although I'm getting pretty close at this point. Hopefully.
So, I'm really excited to be going to Guatemala, although it still hasn't really sunk in yet that I'm going to be waking up at 4:45 and hopping on a plane to Miami. Unfortunately, I'm recovering from a bad head cold, so I'm not looking forward to the changes in pressure on the plane.
I guess I'm a little bit worried about teaching at the school. I've gotten more confident in Spanish over the years, and I hope I'm at the level where I can comfortably converse with others, but it's still a little nerve wracking! I'm sure everything will be fine once we get down there, and I have my awesome teaching buddy Akilah to help me out too :)
This is the first time I'm really going out of the country. (I've been to Canada once, but I don't really count that.) I'm excited to learn about the culture and eat lots and lots of good food !!!!

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