martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

May 31st :)

I just got back from teaching and San Pedro, and boy is it hot here!
It's a miracle that I haven't burn to a crisp yet.
I'm teaching a class of 6th graders, and while they have been really quiet
they've also been so well behaved. They knew a lot of the first phrases that
we taught them in English yesterday, but today we gave them a choice of what they
could learn, and they decided to learn about farm animals.
They were so cute, and every time we said que dice esta animal,
(or what does this animal say) they made the cutest little farm animal sounds.
Our class is pretty big, maybe 35-40 students, but they really seem like they
want to learn all that we have to teach them. We also got to play duck duck
goose, where we changed all of the words so that they could practice everything
that we had taught them.
I think that the hardest thing is probably communicating with the students though.
I haven't had a hard time actually teaching the lesson plan, but when they have a
question it is SO hard to understand. There voices are so quiet and they talk so fast,
that everything just sounds like a blur to me. But I think that we're starting to get the hang of it, because they have started to do like interpretive dances to help me
understand what they are trying to say.

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