sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

Can't Sleep!

Okay so I know that I'm late with this post I guess an hour and a half before I'm susposed to be at the airport is the best time to talk about how I feel about this trip, adventure, hiatus, seperation, anxious filled test of oursleves. Well let me start off by saying I'm paranoid that my bag will be more than 50 lbs. crossing my fingers no!! Secondly I can't sleep I'm so nervous but I guess that's what the 6-7 hour flight is for right? I just looked at my hands and decided I should be a hand model, how do you say that in spanish? La model del manos (I think), oh snap that reminds me I forgot my spanish-english dictionary. Wow I'm really nervous to be away in another country without my family, YIKES!! I hope that when we get there, we get to taste lots of food because everyone knows how I like to EAT!! Gosh I can't believe it's hear, I'm a junior going on Junior Journey. FULLY EMERGED into the culture, food, and language. I guess this is where PHA has to put their money where their mouth is and show me that my spanish es perfecto. Well it's 4 o'clock and I have to wake everyone else for the airport so this is the end of my post until next time in Guatemala...

1 comentario:

Tamarra Pierre-Louis dijo...

So i obviously don't know how to make a new post. But im in the same position here.A little late but Itll have to do . Im so ready for this trip its exciting. AH can't wait. Igot the jitters already. Byeeee Boston!! Hello Guatemala.