lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Guat´s Up?

So this is my first post here in Guatemala. Things have been....Fair.Nothing really big has happened yet, so I can´t really say that I love it or hate it here. I really love my room though. It has a huge window that has a great view of the volcano. I can see smoke coming out of it on a sunny day. It also overlooks the garden that my host family has.In my host family, the Dad cooks and cleans while his wife is away at work. It´s funny because they are both teachers,but the housework gets pushed onto him. I´ve seen the wife maybe about 3 times since I´ve been here. I really liked going to Lago Atitlan last Sunday. It was fun, and the views were really nice. I really liked watching people jump into the water from the boat. Mr.Martinez did the craziest front flip I´ve ever seen.

That´s all,Folks. (For now)


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