sábado, 11 de junio de 2016

This is Real by Rochellyne

Journal Entry 4

"Today was something else. It all started at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive. We're all standing there bright eyed, bushy tailed and optimistic high school Juniors transforming in to Seniors. After filling the back of the bus with the little tree saplings, we went on our way. With every twist and turn of the bus, my music seemed to make me more and more anxious. "Where are we going?" "How long is this bus ride going to be?" "What is the purpose?" All these questions start fluttering around my head like the butterflies in my stomach. Not butterflies cause I was scared or nervous but butterflies because I was finally going somewhere that felt like home. We are on our way to a place that will engulf us with trees, that when we are compared to them, we are the ants and they are the people. Before I know it, I was handed 3 trees and told to wait over by the rest.Uphill, downhill and ledges. Every step we took, brought us closer to our destination which, at this point wasn't verified yet. After planting my trees, I felt accomplished and safe. Just looking around at my surroundings made me happy. I took a deep breath and felt so free."

I was leaping from rock to rock and it felt real for once. This is when it finally hit me that I was in Guatemala. Boston isn't a place where you can find yourself climbing up waterfalls and connecting with people through these experiences. Even getting off the plane wasn't enough for me. I had been living here for about a week and a half and still just believed if I had walked down the street, I would be back in Medford, Massachusetts. And now I feel as if I am truly in a new place, outside of my comfort zone and ready to make a difference.

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