viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

A Week and A Half-ish Gone

It's been a little over a week since we arrived here in Guatemala and so far things have been really interesting and I learn something new everyday. One of my favorite parts of being here in Guatemala has been teaching in San Pedro. The kids there are so excited for us to be there and I will never forget because the first day we went to the school and this one little girl who ran up and hugged me before I had even said a word to them. The kids are so open and happy about seeing us everyday. At the beginning I felt a little discouraged because I felt like the kids weren't remembering what we were teaching them, but then I remember asking one of the kids how to say one of the words and it took them a minute but then they remembered and it made me feel really good because like yeah maybe they don't speak perfect English but they know something now that I taught them and it made me feel really successful and accomplished.
The other day during my Spanish class we did a scavenger hunt for things around Antigua. My teacher was not allowed to help me and I had to ask people to help me find things and to answer questions. One of the questions was the full name of the mayor of Antigua and at first I only had three of his names, he has three, so I asked one of the policemen and he radioed someone and asked for the full name. It was so nice of him and that experience was really interesting because I was able to walk around and see many parts of Antigua that I wouldn't have otherwise as well as learn some about the culture and traditions of Antigua and of Guatemala and practice my Spanish with lots of different people all at the same time. It was a really fun and educational experience and I hope that over the next weeks I will continue to learn and grow and have fun with the kids and have new experiences every bit as great as the ones I've already had. 

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